
All About Rustproof Carbide Saw Blades

Rustproofing blades begins with selecting the proper steel containing the right combination of alloying elements to meet your needs. There are numerous varieties of steel available to manufacture industrial blades, and it’s essential to know how to identify the right components that go into the final product. You can also use other methods to prevent […]

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Industrial Knife Materials: Solutions Built for You

Industrial knives are essential to numerous manufacturing industries and companies. Replacing a knife or blade involves research to find the right blade for your application. The knife’s material is a critical aspect to research before you buy a new blade. The material can impact the knife’s function and impact the price. Check out this guide […]

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Top Reasons Bagging Knives Fail

Packaging machines are necessary for maintaining a productive warehouse when distributing products like chips, fruit snacks, beef jerky or other bagged food. As a manufacturer that distributes packaged food to numerous locations, you must ensure the machines used in your facilities are in prime condition. This way, they can serve quality products to their customers. It’s […]

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Why You Should Cryogenically Treat Your Industrial Knife or Blade

Durable, long-lasting blades are a necessity in food processing, packaging and other industrial applications. Investing in high-quality blades is vital to your operation’s productivity and overall bottom line. Cryogenic treatment is a common process designed to enhance the performance of metal blades. Extreme deep freezing increases the service life of knives by improving their resistance […]

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Types of Wood for Woodworking

If you’re starting as a woodworker, the amount of information on different kinds of wood for woodworking can be a lot to process. In addition to hardwood and softwood, there are many other types of wood under those two main categories. You should know all about the best wood for furniture and which kinds are […]

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